Tuesday, January 08, 2013

National Clean-Off-Your-Desk-Day

Clean freaks get ready…today is National Clean-Off-Your-Desk-Day! This is probably the least favorite holiday for a cleaning procrastinator, (i.e. moi!), although, I feel as though one probably created it! I mean, the Winter Term has already begun, so shouldn’t this have been done sometime between the end of a school term and the start of a new one? Mind you, I still haven’t cleared mine off since the end of the last school YEAR, let alone term! So for all of my fellow cleaning procrastinators, I offer a challenge: clean off your desk and prepare yourself for a year of re-messing your “workspace”! Take before and after pictures, let us know what things you have found throughout your clean up. Here's mine:




  1. Ohhh... impressive! I am more than a little embarrassed at the state of my desk!

  2. Haha! The thing is, it was only "Clean-Off-You-Desk" day...but there were no rules as to where you moved your clutter to!
